Cheddar, Red Pepper and Chive Omelette

Omelettes make the perfect breakfast, lunch and even dinner! Ours is packed full of flavour and something you’ll enjoy time and time again.

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Cook: 20 mins


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Add eggs, egg whites, cheddar, a pinch of salt and black pepper to a small bowl and whisk together.
Heat tsp of olive oil in a non-stick pan and add shallots and red pepper to pan. Cook for 3-4 mins until soft, then remove from pan and set aside.
Turn down heat to low-medium and add egg mixture to pan, swirl around to create a flat even surface and then leave to cook for roughly 5 mins. Once egg is nearly cooked, spread your fillings across half the omelette: shallots, red pepper, red chilli, paprika and chopped chives. Using a spatula gently make sure omelette is not stuck to pan.
When ready to serve, fold over 1/2 the omelette onto itself, then remove from pan. Serve with toasted sourdough.

Nutritional Info

Per serving:
Cals – 412
Carbs -24g
Protein – 27g
Fat – 22g


Serves 1

Omelette Ingredients

  • 2 eggs.
  • 2 egg whites.
  • 20g of cheddar - grated.
  • 1 shallot - thinly sliced.
  • 1/2 a red pepper - thinly sliced.
  • 1 red chilli - thinly sliced.
  • A pinch of paprika.
  • Salt and pepper, to taste.
  • A few chopped chives, to garnish.
  • A slice of toasted sourdough.

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