Big Mac Salad

My new favourite salad. It tastes just like a McDonalds Big Mac and 312 calories per serving 😎 another recipe from our ‘Light Bites’ series.

BBQ Chicken Salad w/ Smokey Sweet Potato and Pitta Croutons

I wanted to create a truly comforting salad, and I think I might have achieved that. Juicy BBQ chicken thighs which are both sweet and spicy, hot and smokey Sweet Potato Wedges, crispy and crunchy Pitta Croutons, topped off with a creamy Garlic & Herb Dip (it’s a bit like dominoes).
10/10 salad vibes!

Orzo Pasta Salad w/ Garlic Chicken

Nothing beats a delicious pasta salad! Simple and ready to go in just 20 mins. A load of veg and tasty garlic chicken, makes this the perfect, healthy meal prep option!

Chickpea ‘Tuna’ Mayo Roll

Tuna made from chickpeas? It’s unbelievably close to the real thing, lots of health benefits and makes the perfect lunchtime roll. Chickpea ‘Tuna’ Mayo Roll… give it a try. (vegan)

Watermelon & Feta Salad

The freshest and most summery salad you could imagine. Served with a very simple balsamic glaze, toasted pine nuts and more…

Crunchy Asian Tempeh Salad

It’s one high protein salad which was originally created for Men’s Fitness Magazine.

BBQ Chicken and Cous Cous Feta Salad

Fresh and healthy lunch or mid-week dinner option! A sticky bbq marinade to coat the chicken breast, teamed up with delicious, fluffy cous cous and crumbly feta cheese.